The following Batch Numbers will give up surnames in county Waterford
Proceed to Hugh Wallis' website : Hugh Wallis Batch input page or Familysearch Batch Search and enter the batch number in the approriate box for an IGI search
M701995 |
Kinsalebeg |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Waterford |
(St. Olaves) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Abbeyside |
- |
Waterford |
M701997 |
Affane |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Aglish |
- |
Waterford |
M701615 |
Ardmore |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ardmore By Youghal |
(Roman Catholic Chapel) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ballinamelah Roman Catholic |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ballyduff In Kilmeadan |
(Roman Catholic Chapel) |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Ballyduff In Kilmeadan |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ballyduff In Lismore |
(Roman Catholic Chapel) |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Ballymacarbry |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Ballynakill |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Ballynakill |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Ballynakill |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Boheravohera Roman Catholic |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Cappoquin |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Cappoquin |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Carbally |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Carbally Roman Catholic |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Clashmore |
- |
Waterford |
M701613 |
Clonagam |
- |
Waterford |
M701623 |
Clonagam |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Colligan |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Crooke |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Drumcannon |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Drumcannon |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Drumcannon |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Drumcannon |
- |
Waterford |
M701615 |
Dungarvan |
- |
Waterford |
M701625 |
Dungarvan |
- |
Waterford |
M701995 |
Dungarvan |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Dungarvan |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Dunhill |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Dunhill |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Fennor |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ferrybank |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Fews |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Four Mile Water |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Garranbaun |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Grange |
- |
Waterford |
M701613 |
Guilcagh |
- |
Waterford |
M701623 |
Guilcagh |
(Presbyterian Church) |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Holy Trinity Cathedral Waterford |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Kilbrien |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Kilculliheen |
- |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Kilculliheen |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Kilculliheen |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Kilculliheen |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Kilgobnet |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Kill By Kilmacthomas |
(Roman Catholic Chapel) |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Kill_St___Nicholas |
- |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Kill_St___Nicholas |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Kill_St___Nicholas |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Kill_St___Nicholas |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Killea By Dunmore |
- |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Killea Parish |
(Dunmore East Church) |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Killoteran |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Kilmeadan |
- |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Kilmeadan |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Kilmeadan |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Kilmeadan |
Waterford |
M702001 |
Kilronan By Clonmel |
- |
Waterford |
M701995 |
Kilrossanty |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Kilrossanty |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Kilrossanty |
- |
Waterford |
M701627 |
Kilwatermoy |
- |
Waterford |
M701997 |
Kilwatermoy |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Kilwatermoy |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Knockanore |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Knockanore |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Knockmahon |
- |
Waterford |
M701616 |
Lismore |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Lismore |
- |
Waterford |
M701627 |
Lismore Parish |
(Cahtedral) |
Waterford |
M701627 |
Lismore Parish |
(Cathedral) |
Waterford |
M701997 |
Lismore Parish |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Lismore Rc |
- |
Waterford |
M701627 |
Mocollop |
- |
Waterford |
M701997 |
Mocollop And Lismore |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Modelligo |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Modelligo |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Monksland |
- |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Monksland |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Newtown |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Nire |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Old Parish |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Old Parish |
(St. Marys) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Pilltown |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Portlaw |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Portlaw |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ring |
- |
Waterford |
M701625 |
Ringagonah |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Ringagonah |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Rossmire |
Waterford |
M701625 |
Stradbally |
- |
Waterford |
M701995 |
Stradbally |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Stradbally |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Stradbally |
- |
Waterford |
M701616 |
Tallow |
- |
Waterford |
M701627 |
Tallow |
- |
Waterford |
M701997 |
Tallow |
- |
Waterford |
M702287 |
Tallow |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Tallow |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Tallow |
- |
Waterford |
M702287 |
Templemichael |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Tooraneena |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Tramore |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Tramore |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Trinity Within Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Trinity Without Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Trinity Without Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Waterford |
(St. Olaves) |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Waterford |
(St. Patricks) |
Waterford |
M701617 |
Waterford |
(Trinity) |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Waterford |
(Saint Patrick's) |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Waterford |
(Presbyterian Church Parish Of St. Olaves) |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Waterford |
(St. Patricks) |
Waterford |
M701981 |
Waterford |
(Trinity) |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Waterford |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Cathedral Trinity Within) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Cathedral) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Saint Johns) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Saint Patrick) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Saint Patricks) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(St. Johns) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(St. John's) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(St. Patricks) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Trinity Without) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Waterford |
(Trinity) |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Waterford |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Waterford |
(St. Johns) |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Waterford |
(Trinity) |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Waterford Saint Olave |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Waterford Saint Olave |
(Presbyterian Church) |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Waterford Saint Olave |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Waterford Saint Patrick's |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Waterford Saint Patrick's |
Waterford |
M701741 |
Waterford Trinity Parish |
- |
Waterford |
M702291 |
Waterford Trinity Parish |
(Scots Presbyterian Church) |
Waterford |
M702304 |
Windgap In Dysert |
- |
Waterford |
M702322 |
Woodstown |
- |
Waterford |
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