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The following Batch Numbers will give up surnames in county Waterford
Proceed to Hugh Wallis' website : Hugh Wallis Batch input page or Familysearch Batch Search and enter the batch number in the approriate box for an IGI search

M701995 Kinsalebeg - Waterford
M701981 Waterford (St. Olaves) Waterford
M702304 Abbeyside - Waterford
M701997 Affane - Waterford
M702304 Aglish - Waterford
M701615 Ardmore - Waterford
M702304 Ardmore By Youghal (Roman Catholic Chapel) Waterford
M702304 Ballinamelah Roman Catholic - Waterford
M702304 Ballyduff In Kilmeadan (Roman Catholic Chapel) Waterford
M702322 Ballyduff In Kilmeadan - Waterford
M702304 Ballyduff In Lismore (Roman Catholic Chapel) Waterford
M702322 Ballymacarbry - Waterford
M701617 Ballynakill - Waterford
M701981 Ballynakill - Waterford
M702291 Ballynakill Waterford
M702304 Boheravohera Roman Catholic - Waterford
M702304 Cappoquin - Waterford
M702322 Cappoquin - Waterford
M702322 Carbally - Waterford
M702304 Carbally Roman Catholic - Waterford
M702304 Clashmore - Waterford
M701613 Clonagam - Waterford
M701623 Clonagam - Waterford
M702304 Colligan - Waterford
M702304 Crooke - Waterford
M701617 Drumcannon - Waterford
M701981 Drumcannon - Waterford
M702291 Drumcannon Waterford
M702304 Drumcannon - Waterford
M701615 Dungarvan - Waterford
M701625 Dungarvan - Waterford
M701995 Dungarvan - Waterford
M702304 Dungarvan - Waterford
M701617 Dunhill - Waterford
M702304 Dunhill - Waterford
M702304 Fennor - Waterford
M702304 Ferrybank - Waterford
M702304 Fews - Waterford
M702304 Four Mile Water - Waterford
M702304 Garranbaun - Waterford
M702304 Grange - Waterford
M701613 Guilcagh - Waterford
M701623 Guilcagh (Presbyterian Church) Waterford
M702291 Holy Trinity Cathedral Waterford Waterford
M702304 Kilbrien - Waterford
M701617 Kilculliheen - Waterford
M701741 Kilculliheen - Waterford
M701981 Kilculliheen - Waterford
M702291 Kilculliheen Waterford
M702304 Kilgobnet - Waterford
M702304 Kill By Kilmacthomas (Roman Catholic Chapel) Waterford
M701617 Kill_St___Nicholas - Waterford
M701741 Kill_St___Nicholas - Waterford
M701981 Kill_St___Nicholas - Waterford
M702291 Kill_St___Nicholas Waterford
M702304 Killea By Dunmore - Waterford
M701741 Killea Parish (Dunmore East Church) Waterford
M702291 Killoteran Waterford
M701617 Kilmeadan - Waterford
M701741 Kilmeadan - Waterford
M701981 Kilmeadan - Waterford
M702291 Kilmeadan Waterford
M702001 Kilronan By Clonmel - Waterford
M701995 Kilrossanty - Waterford
M702304 Kilrossanty - Waterford
M702322 Kilrossanty - Waterford
M701627 Kilwatermoy - Waterford
M701997 Kilwatermoy - Waterford
M702304 Kilwatermoy - Waterford
M702304 Knockanore - Waterford
M702322 Knockanore - Waterford
M702304 Knockmahon - Waterford
M701616 Lismore - Waterford
M702322 Lismore - Waterford
M701627 Lismore Parish (Cahtedral) Waterford
M701627 Lismore Parish (Cathedral) Waterford
M701997 Lismore Parish - Waterford
M702304 Lismore Rc - Waterford
M701627 Mocollop - Waterford
M701997 Mocollop And Lismore - Waterford
M702304 Modelligo - Waterford
M702322 Modelligo - Waterford
M701617 Monksland - Waterford
M701741 Monksland - Waterford
M702304 Newtown - Waterford
M702304 Nire - Waterford
M702304 Old Parish - Waterford
M702304 Old Parish (St. Marys) Waterford
M702304 Pilltown - Waterford
M702304 Portlaw - Waterford
M702322 Portlaw - Waterford
M702304 Ring - Waterford
M701625 Ringagonah - Waterford
M702304 Ringagonah - Waterford
M702291 Rossmire Waterford
M701625 Stradbally - Waterford
M701995 Stradbally - Waterford
M702304 Stradbally - Waterford
M702322 Stradbally - Waterford
M701616 Tallow - Waterford
M701627 Tallow - Waterford
M701997 Tallow - Waterford
M702287 Tallow - Waterford
M702304 Tallow - Waterford
M702322 Tallow - Waterford
M702287 Templemichael - Waterford
M702304 Tooraneena - Waterford
M702304 Tramore - Waterford
M702322 Tramore - Waterford
M702304 Trinity Within Waterford - Waterford
M702304 Trinity Without Waterford - Waterford
M702322 Trinity Without Waterford - Waterford
M701617 Waterford - Waterford
M701617 Waterford (St. Olaves) Waterford
M701617 Waterford (St. Patricks) Waterford
M701617 Waterford (Trinity) Waterford
M701741 Waterford - Waterford
M701741 Waterford (Saint Patrick's) Waterford
M701981 Waterford - Waterford
M701981 Waterford (Presbyterian Church Parish Of St. Olaves) Waterford
M701981 Waterford (St. Patricks) Waterford
M701981 Waterford (Trinity) Waterford
M702291 Waterford Waterford
M702304 Waterford - Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Cathedral Trinity Within) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Cathedral) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Saint Johns) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Saint Patrick) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Saint Patricks) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (St. Johns) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (St. John's) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (St. Patricks) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Trinity Without) Waterford
M702304 Waterford (Trinity) Waterford
M702322 Waterford - Waterford
M702322 Waterford (St. Johns) Waterford
M702322 Waterford (Trinity) Waterford
M701741 Waterford Saint Olave - Waterford
M702291 Waterford Saint Olave (Presbyterian Church) Waterford
M702291 Waterford Saint Olave Waterford
M701741 Waterford Saint Patrick's - Waterford
M702291 Waterford Saint Patrick's Waterford
M701741 Waterford Trinity Parish - Waterford
M702291 Waterford Trinity Parish (Scots Presbyterian Church) Waterford
M702304 Windgap In Dysert - Waterford
M702322 Woodstown - Waterford

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